โรงเรียนธุรกิจคาร์ดิฟ เสนอทุนป.เอกเศรษฐศาสตร์ เต็มจำนวนและบางส่วนแก่ผู้สมัครต่างชาติ 2013

มีนาคม 5, 2013 by: 0
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โรงเรียนธุรกิจคาร์ดิฟ ประเทศอังกฤษ เสนอทุนเต็มจำนวน ปริญญาเอก ด้านเศรษฐศาสตร์ ให้ผู้สมัครต่างชาติ เงินทุนอยู่บนเงื่อนไขทางการแข็งขัน  (หมดเขตรับสมัคร 15 มีนาคม 2556) 

Cardiff Business School invites applications for a number of PhD bursaries. The bursaries are awarded in the field of Economics. These are available to UK, EU and International applicants. The bursaries will usually pay full tuition fees for UK/EU students and full or partial fees for Overseas students. Financing is awarded on a competitive basis.

Study Subject(s): The School offers a number of Bursaries to support PhD study in Economics.
Course Level: This position is available for pursuing PhD degree.
Scholarship Provider: Cardiff Business School
Scholarship can be taken at: UK

Eligibility: The bursaries are available to UK, EU and International applicants. Candidates will have a strong background in economics, including either a first class Honours degree in Economics or a good MSc result, from a good university department.

Scholarship Open for International Students: The UK, EU and International students are eligible to apply.

Scholarship Description: Cardiff Business School invites applications for a number of PhD bursaries in Economics for the 2013/14 academic year, commencing late September 2013. Cardiff Business School was ranked 4th out of 90 UK business schools in the 2008 Research Assessment Exercise, and ‘excellent’ for teaching. Lively, elegant, confident and cosmopolitan, the city of Cardiff offers an excellent location in which to study. Students benefit from the combination of a small, friendly, inexpensive city with the cultural and recreational amenities of an ambitious and progressive capital city.Cardiff Business School has an active Economics PhD programme with more than 30 current students, and more than 20 faculty members active in research. We have recently increased the intake of first-year students to around 8 and seek applications from all countries for these places. Financing is available from a variety of funding sources and is awarded on a competitive basis. Our programme involves two years of course work, the first at the MSc Economics level in core subjects. The MSc programme, while open to others, is focused on those who are planning to continue in the PhD programme. The second year MRes Advanced Economics programme includes advanced study in the core areas of Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Labour Economics, Econometrics and Numerical Methods, plus a variety of elective fields including Monetary Economics, Monetary Policy, International Macroeconomics, Development Economics, Macroeconometrics, Public Finance, Finance, and Mathematical Finance.Students within the programme originate from the UK, Asia, Africa, Central and Eastern Europe, Greece and Post-Soviet countries. They are active in presenting their work in their own weekly PhD Student Workshop, which is supervised by faculty, and also in the weekly Economics Section Internal Workshop. They also attend the third weekly workshop, which is reserved mostly for visiting academics.

Number of awards available: Multiple positions are offered.

What does it cover? These bursaries are funded through the Business School and additional funds. The bursaries will usually pay full tuition fees for UK/EU students and full or partial fees for Overseas students.

How to Apply: Applications can be submitted via Cardiff’s Online Application Service.
Please indicate in the ‘Funding’ section of the Online Application Form that you are applying for a PhD Bursary in Economics.

Scholarship Application Deadline: Applications must be received till 15th March 2013.

รายละเอียดทุนเพิ่มเติม / More Informationโรงเรียนธุรกิจคาร์ดิฟ ประเทศอังกฤษ เสนอทุนเต็มจำนวน ปริญญาเอก ด้านเศรษฐศาสตร์ ให้ผู้สมัครต่างชาติ เงินทุนอยู่บนเงื่อนไขทางการแข็งขัน  (หมดเขตรับสมัคร 15 มีนาคม 2556) 

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