Doctoral Scholarship in Information and Communication Technology – 28th Cycle at University of Trento, 2012 Italy [Deadline:15th of May 2012]

เมษายน 18, 2012 by: 0
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ทุนปริญญาเอก ด้าน Information and Communication Technologies ณ University of Trento ประะเทศอิตาลี ประจำปี 2012

PhD Scholarship in the field of Information and Communication Technologies (Electronics, Computer Science, Telecommunications) for the applicants of EU and Non EU citizens at University of Trento, 2012 Italy

สาขาวิชา/Study Subject(s): Information and Communication Technologies
ระดับการศึกษา/Course Level: PhD
ผู้พิจารณาทุน/Scholarship Provider: University of Trento
ทุนเรียนที่/Scholarship can be taken at: Italy

Electronics Area Applications for admission to the Doctoral School are accepted from candidates, regardless of gender, age, religion or nationality, who have an Italian “laurea specialistica” (“magistrale”) according to Ministerial Decree no. 509 of 3.11.1999 and subsequent amendments, a university degree of the previous regulations in force, or an equivalent degree qualification obtained abroad.

ทุนนักเรียนต่างชาติ/Scholarship Open for International Students: Yes (Non EU)

รายละเอียดทุน/Scholarship Description: The Doctoral School relies on the multidisciplinary expertise of the teaching staff and the availability of a range of scientific laboratories at the University, Research Institutes and top-level partner companies. The Doctoral School offers doctoral students the opportunity to acquire advanced skills in specific research fields, as listed in art. 1 and collateral sectors, therefore favouring an interdisciplinary approach to innovative fields in diverse scientific areas.

วิธีการสมัคร/How to Apply: Online

ทุนหมดเขต/Scholarship Application Deadline: 15th of May 2012

รายละเอียดทุนเพิ่มเติมทุนปริญญาเอกUniversity of Trento ประะเทศอิตาลี ประจำปี 2012

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