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Q & A business wants to study medicine in China. ?

POSTED BY   /  18 April, 2012  
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apply-for-scholarships-forms-299x300 Universities in China have offered some medical assistance. …..
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Find success in learning with students at Szeged Saranya of people. 2012

POSTED BY   /  2 April, 2012  
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SARANPORN SATTAWORAKUL The talk "was a scholarship student. Wed and Thai students in universities in the world" with Saranya at Tours University Satta. (Trust.) Good student of Stephen M.. Ross School of Business, University of Michigan, USA..
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I invited Tom Wakefield Chamber of Commerce from a dinner together media scholars. !

POSTED BY   /  30 March, 2012  
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DSC_8113 University. : Fun, Fortune and Future โดยได้รับเกียรติจาก มร.ทอม นูนาน (Mr.Tom Nunan)..
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Meet David Tupper representative from Birkbeck, University of London [5 April 2012]

POSTED BY   /  30 March, 2012  
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2.202028 Interview and Mr.David Tupper representing the University of London, Birkbeck., University of London..
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Interview and placement test in English with University of Brighton. [2-3 April 2012]

POSTED BY   /  30 March, 2012  
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89_10 Interview and English placement test. .
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The researchers, Dr. Tai people trowel finish the degree. Donna M. Hong Kong Inter Fair. 2012

POSTED BY   /  28 March, 2012  
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Dr.tdai Dr. Tai trowel finish with the next new horizons. (Ph.D University of Hong Kong)..
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Australian student visa. !!

POSTED BY   /  26 March, 2012  
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Australian Visa มีการเปลี่ยนแปลงจากทาง DIAC หรือ Department of Immigration & The Department of Immigration and Citizenship of Australia to set up last year to change the behavior of students on a student visa to enter Australia..
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สัมผัสประสบการณ์การเรียนที่ London School of Economics กับน้องต้นข้าว กุลนิษฐ์ ใน Inter Fair 2012

POSTED BY   /  22 March, 2012  
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photo The talk "was a scholarship student. Wed and Thai students in universities in the world"..
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Why Study in Germany and DAAD International Programmes 2012

POSTED BY   /  12 March, 2012  
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Germany-Education_System.319141902_std Why international students to study in Germany. 2012 !..
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