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Postdoctoral in Computer Science at University of Helsinki,Finland 2012

POSTED BY   /  11 October, 2012  
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helsinki Postdoctoral Scholarship in Computer Science. 2012..
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Postdoctoral Fellowship at NASA Exoplanet Science Institute, 2013 USA

POSTED BY   /  28 August, 2012  
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nexsci Post-doctoral research fellowship. (Astronomy and  Physics) และด้านที่เกี่ยวข้อง ณ The NASA Exoplanet Science Institute ประเทศสหรัฐอเมริกา 2013..
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Masters Fellowship by Wellcome Trust, UK

POSTED BY   /  29 June, 2012  
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logowt1 Scholarships by the Wellcome Trust for Public Health and Tropical Medicine in the United Kingdom for the year. 2012..
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Erasmus Mundus Joint Doc-Program in Agricultural Transformation 2012

POSTED BY   /  27 June, 2012  
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1_logo_ec_erasmus_mundus_en Scholarships The Erasmus Mundi see the development of agriculture. 2012..
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Bayer Thai diplomatic capital to work in Germany.

POSTED BY   /  15 January, 2010  
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Bayer Environmental Envoy Program. 5 Thailand will be represented on a trip to visit Germany. 5 People will have to see it. 1 Week and also have the opportunity to exchange ideas. 17 Countries in Asia, Europe and Latin America..
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