Why the TOEFL test.??

December 2, 2009 by: 0
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A. TOEFL To do.??




สอบ TOEFL ไปทำไม??

Why the TOEFL test.??




The aim of TOEFL

            TOEFL The tests used to evaluate the use of English in English as a second language during the year. 2006 It is estimated that the exam.TOEFL Than 700,000 We can say that.TOEFL Language is the most recognized. TOEFL Used as a model for other tests, including tests CU-TEP., TU-GET, IELTS Test of English as well as T g..

The structure of the test.

            ข้อ สอบ TOEFL iBT measures the ability to use language. 4 ทักษะคือ Reading, Listening, Writing, และ Speaking 
Test. TOEFL iBT test has changed.TOEFL CBT และTOEFL PBT has been added to Test your skills in speaking and presentation. (presentation) And language skills are tested simultaneously. (integrated task) The format of the exam.

Reading Is a measure of the ability to read.

- 3 A. (39 Free.)
- 60 Minute
- Score 0-30
- Test.TOEFL In reading, there is very little change from the original. 3-5 Score

Listening Is a measure of the ability to listen.

- The test. 2 Category (1) Academic Reading 4 เรื่อง (24 ข้อ) And (2)Campus Conversation 2 เรืA.อFree.
- 60 Minute
- Score 0-30
- The test has changed from what the conversation was cut short all, With the American accent that could not be tested., And the problem of interpretation to the test the first time.

Writing Measures the ability to write.

- The test. 2 Category (1) Integrated Reading + Listening 1 Travel and (2)Independent 1 Free.
- 55 Minute
- คะแนน 0-30 I care a Score. (raw score) For a while. 1-5 คะแนนScore
- Integrate task which is difficult to test for the type that is analytical and writing skills required.

Speaking Measures the ability to speak.

- The test. 3 Category (1) Independent 2 ข้อ (2) + Listening 2 Travel and (3) Integrated Listening 2 ข้อ
- 20 Minute
- คะแนน 0-30 I care a Score. (raw score) For each of the speech. 1-4 คะแนนScore
- Check out the Speaking tests to test the claim that the new system. (New! Everything) However, many questions are similar to the TSE. (Test of Spoken English) Kendall Institute, which is used in the course.TOEFL iBT institutions.


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