University Graduate Scholarships - Doctoral.

December 6, 2010 by: 0
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University to apply for the scholarship category. 60 ปี ครองราชสมบัติ” ประจำปีการศึกษา 2554“The 60th Year Supreme Reign of His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej” จำนวนประมาณ 60 The cost to apply from this date. 15 February 2554 Cover the cost of education for students in the capital were considered as follows.


1.Students wishing to study at masters or doctorate. 2554 Both mainstream and international programs.

Courses / subjects that contribute to the support. 2554

2.Scholarships for graduate students. (GPA > 3.25) Or more or who are studying in the final semester of undergraduate courses. (GPA) 3.25 Up (To the average of the current academic year studying in undergraduate courses.) And is scheduled to graduate successfully. 2554GPA

3. สำหรับทุนการศึกษาในระดับปริญญาเอก ผู้สมัครต้องเป็นผู้ที่จบการศึกษาระดับปริญญาโท หรือกำลังศึกษาอยู่ในระดับปริญญาโท โดยมีกำหนดที่จะสำเร็จการศึกษาอย่างสมบูรณ์ ก่อนเข้าศึกษาต่อในระดับปริญญาเอกที่ มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล ในภาคต้นของปีการศึกษา 2554

3.1 The study results mean for the program. (GPA) Not less than 3.50 The works published in journals that have been recognized in international databases. (The evidence.)

3.2 ต้องได้รับคะแนน TOEFL Computer based ที่ระดับ 173 Score or IELTS score level. 5.5 คะแนนขึ้นไป หรือ TOEFL Internet based ที่ระดับ 61 Score or a score on the TOEFL-ITP organized by the Foreign Language Center. 500 Points or more.

4. For undergraduate students enrolled in special programs at the doctoral candidate must be a person who holds a bachelor's degree. 2553 And the results mean for the program. (GPA) 3.5 Up

5.Candidates for scholarships in both master's and doctorate. 2554 The students applying for scholarships.

Type of funding.

The Commission. 1 All supported.

- Tuition Fees.

- The thesis.

- The credits.

- For the study.

- Or special equipment.

- Research for the dissertation.

The Commission. 2 Some support.

The applicant.

- Students can obtain an application form at the course, participants celebrate the prestigious scholarship. 60 Years and reign over the course of the application under. (Lilly.) Or at any branch office of Graduate Studies. 15 February 2554 If the amount of capital to the Graduate School will get. 2 Next

-Chairman of Program Committee, of course, concerned that students will be enrolled in the selection and nomination of students who passed and there.

Required documents to apply for funding.

Students wishing to apply for funding.

1.สำเนา Transcript

2.Test score TOEFL. (For PhD candidates.)

3.Other documents for consideration. ( The results are published.) If students do not complete the required documents to apply for funding.

Terms of the scholarship.

Graduate School.

Interested students can contact for further details. (Lilly.) Phone 0-2441-4125 To 211-213 Fax 0-2441-9511 Website ://

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