The capital. Bangkok school year. Master - Dr.

January 13, 2010 by: 0
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defaultPassed a scholarship to study for master's and doctoral degrees at U.S. personnel. 2549

จุด มุ่งหมายของการให้ทุนการศึกษา มหาวิทยาลัยกรุงเทพได้ตระหนักถึงความสำคัญของการพัฒนากำลังคนเสมอมา จึงได้จัดทำโครงการให้ทุนการศึกษาขั้นปริญญาโทและปริญญาเอกแก่บุคคลทั่วไป ควบคู่กับโครงการพัฒนาอาจารย์ของมหาวิทยาลัย(Faculty Development Program) This project aims to recruit the right person to develop the knowledge qualifications.

The quality and the teachers of the university.
1. Types of capital.
1.1 Ph.D.
(1) Computer Engineering. (Computer Engineering) Number 1 The capital.
(2) Engineering, multimedia and the Internet. 1 The capital.
(Multimedia and Internet System Engineering)
1.2 Master's degree.
(1) Computer Engineering. (Computer Engineering) Number 1 The capital.
(2) Engineering, multimedia and the Internet. 1 The capital.
(Multimedia and Internet System Engineering)
2. Qualifications of the applicant.
2.1 PhD scholarship.
2.1.1 Is to be a lecturer in the University of Bangkok.
2.1.2 Must be a graduate of the following.
(1) Scholarships in Computer Engineering. (Computer Engineering) Must be a graduate level.
Bachelor of Computer Engineering and holds a master's degree or are about to.
Graduated with a Master's degree in computer engineering.
The field of information technology.
(2) Financial engineering, multimedia and the Internet. (Multimedia and Internet System
Engineering) Must hold a bachelor's degree in computer science field.
Computer Engineering.
Master's degree or who will complete a master's degree in fields related to the job.
2.1.3 The grade point average of at least degree level. 3.25 Those who will complete a master's degree to take the grade point average.
2.1.4 Thai nationality, age, single, the up to date. 29 March 2550 Not. 35 Years old and healthy, no serious obstruction to the disease. (Applicants must be committed by military men.)
2.1.5 I need a certificate of good conduct. (In the case of a student.) Or supervisors who are under the form of Bangkok University. 600 คะแนน (Paper-based Test) หรือ 250 คะแนน (Computer-based Test)Or 100 คะแScore-based Test) Will be an advantage.
2.2 Postgraduate scholarship.
2.2.1 Is to be a lecturer in the University of Bangkok.
2.2.2 Must be a graduate of the following.
(1) Scholarships in Computer Engineering. (Computer Engineering) Must be a graduate or a graduate degree.
(2) Financial engineering, multimedia and the Internet. (Multimedia and Internet System Engineering) Must be a graduate or a graduate degree.
Computer science.
Related to multimedia.
2.2.3 The grade point average of at least a bachelor's degree. 2.75 For those who are about to graduate grade point average shall be the first of the year.
2.2.4 Thai nationality, age, single, the up to date. 29 March 2550 Not. 30 Years old and healthy, no serious obstruction to the disease. (Applicants must be committed by military men.)
2.2.5 I need a certificate of good conduct. (In the case of a student.) Or supervisors who are under the form of Bangkok University. 550 คะแนน (Paper-based Test) Or 213 คะแScore-based Test)
Or 79 Score (Internet-based Test) Will be an advantage.
3. How to obtain funding.
The applicant must complete an application form and attach evidence of Applicant Personnel Department at Bangkok University City Campus building. 9 Class 10 During Friday. 16 March to Thursday. 29 March 2550 Between
Time 9.00 น. – 16.00 The.. (Except Sunday and Monday)
Documents to be submitted with the application are as follows.
3.1 I do not wear helmets and photographs. 2 Inch. 3 Image
3.2 The study report. (Transcript) Original number. 1 The.
3.3 Diploma or certificate qualifications and a copy of the original. 1 The.
3.4 With a copy of the original registration. 1 The.
3.5 ID card copy number. 1 The.
3.6 With a copy of the military. 1 The. (For men.)
4. Schedule a written test and interview.
4.1 Applications for both master's and doctoral degree must take an exam on Saturday. 7 April 2550
Time 9.00 น. – 12.30 The.. At Bangkok University.
4.2 Those who pass the written examination is passed. 21 April 2550
5. Written exam.
5.1 The applicant must be a written test in English, TOEFL and GRE. (3 Hour)
5.2 The applicant must write an essay in English again. 1 A. (30 Minute)
6. The announcement of the competition.
6.1 Test results on Thursday. 12 April 2550 At Bangkok University. 9.00 The.. The written test will come in contact with the staff to sign the acknowledgment.
In a time announcement. 16.00 The.. The appointment date and time of interview.
6.2 Announcement of an interview on Thursday. 26 April 2550 At Bangkok University. 9.00 น. Those selected to receive funding through the Department must report to the personnel manual. 16.00 น. Otherwise, the waiver will be granted.The.
Those selected to receive funding. 28 เมษายน 2550การตัดสินของคณะกรรมการให้ถือเป็นเด็ดขาด และคณะกรรมการมีสิทธิ์บอกเลิกสัญญาได้หากปรากฏภายหลังว่าบุคคลผู้มีสิทธิ์ ได้รับทุนระบุรายละเอียดในใบสมัครไม่ตรงกับความเป็นจริงหรือใช้หลักฐานปลอม ในการสมัครหรือไม่ผ่านการตรวจสุขภาพ ณ โรงพยาบาลที่มหาวิทยาลัยกำหนดหรือไม่ผ่านทดลองงาน
Within 120 According to the university.
7. The capital cost will be.
7.1 Send the application by mail. 3 Of
7.2 Taxes and fees for visas and passports to travel outside the vaccination - injection. (If applicable.)
As evidence of the government.
7.3 The costumes US $. 1,100
7.4 The air holidays and flights back.
7.5 Tuition and fees based on the actual course of the study.
7.6 Health insurance premiums. (Than US $. 600)
7.7 The medical and dental treatment. (Before.)
7.8 Monthly cost per month US $. 1,200
7.9 The books and study materials for the US $. 850 (Summer US $. 130)
7.10 The internet, as well as the fact that university education and accommodation (The separate collection of the rent.)
7.11 The thesis US $. 1,200 (A recipient of a grant to do research.)
7.12 Registration fees paid by students.
7.13 The robe (GOWN) And ruffle collar. (HOOD)Than US $. 300
7.14 The computer. (Than US $. 1,500)
7.15 Transportation between the airport and in the legs, back and both legs.
7.16 The moving objects as they are paid back in less than US $. 300
7.17 The fee for learning English. (Intensive Course) And the test TOEFL GMAT or GRE.
(Not. 10,000 Baht)
8. Contact the university to study.
8.1 Scholarship recipients must request admission to universities in the United States with their own funds, the recipient must contact the TOEFL test with a doctoral degree recipients to the score. 600 Score (Paper-based
Test) หรือ 250 คะแนน (Computer-based Test) Or 100 Score (Internet-based Test) And recipients.
Masters need to score. 550 คะแนน (Paper-based Test) หรือ 213 คะแนน (Computer-based Test)Or 79 คะแScore-based Test) Contact the University to be eligible to enter the study.
8.2 University College is a prestigious university and has been. (Accreditation) And passed to approve in writing.
8.3 The request for admission must be completed within the stipulated period of time. 1 Years from the date of signing the grant agreement.
9. The study period.
9.1 Scholarship recipients are required to complete a doctorate degree within a period of time. 36 Months, and a master's degree recipients are required to complete the degree within a period of time. 17 Months from the date of departure.
The scholarship recipients are studying at any one job is strictly prohibited.
9.2 The grant can not be achieved within the article. 9.1 And wishes to renew the scholarship for another must be approved.
10. Terms of return on capital.
10.1 Scholarship recipients are required to work while waiting for T to study. 1 May 2550 onwards, the University will pay to the Committee before going to study the rate.
10.2 Scholarship recipients must meet the education field at the time of contact of the capital will not exceed the period under study. 8.3 Otherwise, you will be eligible to receive funding.
10.3 เมื่อสำเร็จการศึกษาแล้วผู้รับทุนจะต้องกลับมาประจำทำงานกับมหาวิทยาลัย กรุงเทพเป็นเวลาไม่น้อยกว่า 4เท่าของระยะเวลาที่ใช้ในการศึกษา สำหรับอัตราการบรรจุแต่งตั้งให้เป็นไปตามคุณวุฒิระดับปริญญาโท หรือปริญญาเอกตามที่มหาวิทยาลัยกำหนด
10.4 If for some reason the recipient can not regularly work with the University of Bangkok. 10.3 With respect to any matter. (In case of death.) Scholarship recipients are required to pay damages to the amount passed. 4 The University of the money that was paid or deemed paid for the education of the capital.
11. The guarantor.
When I contacted the university to study it. 6 Up

About Auther : bowing  (420 Posts)

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