Ture contest "the science is true," Ching's capital..

January 6, 2010 by: 0
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True to the public light. And Science Contest. 255

True to the public light..

The project is "a little true science" years. 13

Science Contest.

Annual national primary. 2551


Assoc. Shortcuts in his learning. (I left.)Association of Science and Technology Education, Thailand, and Dr. Steiner is a balance Library. (The right) Director of Corporate Communications, True Visions for social work to True. The project. "The science is True" or the Science Contest. 2551 Compete for scholarships worth. 100,000 Bath kits for learning. To encourage young people to learn and solve problems is to be accounted for.

This program allows students to grade 4-6, both public and private sectors around the country. 3 People. 1 School project and the project can not exceed. 6 โครง งาน

Students interested can contact. http://www.truecorp.co.thและ http://www.bmasmartschool.com หรือ โทร.0-2615-9743 And projects with the application. Corporate and Social Affairs. 15 True Corporation Public Company Limited. (PLC.)118/1ถ. พระราม 6 สามเสน ใน พญาไท กรุงเทพฯ 10400Within days. 7 July 2551

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