Archive for Posts Tagged

PhD Positions in Economics and Finance at U of Bocconi in Italy, 2012

POSTED BY   /  25 October, 2012  
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bocconi_full University of Bocconi offered a PhD in economics and finance at the year in Italy. 2012..
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CEU Senior Fellowships at Hungary, 2013

POSTED BY   /  25 October, 2012  
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ceu Research on social sciences and humanities. 2013-2014..
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Research Position in Medieval History at University of Oslo 2012

POSTED BY   /  25 October, 2012  
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university_of_oslo_east_norway_photo_nancy_bundtn-innovation_norway University of Oslo offers research positions in the Department of Archaeology. 2012..
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Brunel University & Teesside University Interview Days [29 Oct and 1 Nov,2012]

POSTED BY   /  24 October, 2012  
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Interview 2012 A4 Back Westminster International. .
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Postdoctoral in Computer Science at University of Helsinki,Finland 2012

POSTED BY   /  11 October, 2012  
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helsinki Postdoctoral Scholarship in Computer Science. 2012..
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PhD Inter-Scholarship at the University of Warwick, 2013-14

POSTED BY   /  1 October, 2012  
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University-of-Warwick International Scholarships at University of Warwick. (University of Warwick) UK 2013..
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Scholarships at Dalarna University, Sweden 2013-2015

POSTED BY   /  1 October, 2012  
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hogskolan uni photo Scholarship assistance to undergraduate and graduate students in various mediums. 2013-2015..
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PDEng Position Product Design at EUT,Netherlands

POSTED BY   /  29 September, 2012  
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Eindhoven-University-of-Technology Position the Master Degree specialists. (Post-Master) Process and product design at the Chemical Engineering Department. 2012..
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Engineering Scholarships at Kyung Hee University, South Korea

POSTED BY   /  29 September, 2012  
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emblem1(3) The master's and doctorate in civil engineering. (Civil Engineering, Transportation (Pavement), Civil Materials) At Kyung Hee University, Korea. 2013..
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