Archive for ทุนเด่น 12 Month

University Giessen เยอรมัน มอบ ทุน ป. เอก 13 The media and cultural globalization. (Deadline 1 Mina. 56)

POSTED BY   /  5 February, 2013  
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GCSC_Logo_4c Center for International Cultural GCSC. 13 The memory of cultural capital., Cultural change., Material culture and cultural storehouses., Media and technology literacy. 1,468 Euros per month. (About 58,720 Per month.) The deadline to apply. 1 March 2556..
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Spanish Government Scholarships for la Caixa Foundation and the Spanish National Cancer Research Centre at Bt. (Come to deadline 15 Mina. 56)

POSTED BY   /  5 February, 2013  
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La_Caixa-B La Caixa Foundation and the Spanish Ministry of Economy for International Scholarships. (CNIO) Applicants must have completed a Bachelor Degree Diploma side. 4 Year.
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German Ministry for Economic Research for research grants worth more than a field. 2 Million baht (Come to deadline 15 And Wed.. 56)

POSTED BY   /  5 February, 2013  
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Germany-FMECD Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development, Germany offered a scholarship to study in any course, including students from developing countries. (Except China and India.) Candidates to work in their home at least. 5 Year applicants and female candidates researchers will receive special consideration. 60,000 Euro (2 Million 4 I estimated.) The deadline to apply. 15 May 2556..
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PhD scholarship. 2013

POSTED BY   /  31 January, 2013  
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167px-University_of_Copenhagen_Seal.svg Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences. 2 Biotechnology venture. (Microalgae.) (Microalgal Biotechnology) The researchers of all nationalities. 2013..
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Sign up now. ! 1 The district. 1 Capital generation. 4 Ready

POSTED BY   /  27 January, 2013  
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20130126170823 Project 1 District 1 Board Rules How to select the first recipient of a scholarship program funded Class 4 District 1..
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M. Frankfurt, Germany offered the bear. PhD in Cultural Studies. 8 The capital. (Come to deadline 15 Have value.. 56)

POSTED BY   /  25 January, 2013  
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cluster-logo University of Heidelberg bear. (Transcultural Studies) Number of PhD. 8 Position and salary. 1,200 Euros per month. (About 48,000 Baht) For those who do research in the field. “Asia and Europe in the context of globalization. : Cultural dynamics.” (The deadline to apply. 15 March 2556) ..
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The year. Classical dynamics and the surface temperature at the Max Planck School in Germany. (Come to deadline 3 February 2556)

POSTED BY   /  25 January, 2013  
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university_mainz_Max_Planck_Institute_for_Polymer_Research Max Planck Research School ประเทศเยอรมนีเสนอตำแหน่งปริญญาเอก สำหรับผู้สมัครในโครงการด้านอุณหพลศาสตร์และระบบพื้นผิวดิน (Thermodynamics and the Land Surface System) Candidates must have good knowledge of English. (Come to deadline 3 February 2556)..
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Capital Bank of New year.'s Evolution Chaiya Memorial. “Disciplines.” [Come to deadline 9 Feb.. 56]

POSTED BY   /  25 January, 2013  
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ABCD0010-1 Announced the recruitment examination for the evolution Chaiya Memorial. 2556..
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Bank of Thailand's capital last year. Undergraduate engineering students - economics abroad. (Come to deadline 9 February 56)

POSTED BY   /  25 January, 2013  
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Bank2 Announced the recruitment examination for the individual school attainment sentence. (New venture.. End) Bank of Thailand to study at foreign fixed the year 2556..
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