Archive for สิงหาคม

New ! Launched INTER HUB International Education. (Thailand the language.) The first part of Thailand. !!

POSTED BY   /  14 April, 2013  
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563141_513511155377508_1167456383_n     เปิดตัว INTER HUB การศึกษาอินเตอร์ (Thailand the language.) The first part of Thailand. !!  รวมรวมทุกข่าวสาร “International education in Thailand and the world.” Thailand set for students at one go, click here. :
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Sign up now. ! I double majored in engineering degree - Techno SIIT and JAIST School in Thailand and Japan.

POSTED BY   /  1 March, 2013  
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558351_495659647115452_666585767_n University of Engineering and Technology Partner. (SIIT และ JAIST)The Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology (HERE) และ Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST)..
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The year.'s The Japanese government and the ADB-JSP variety. 26 Member University yearly. 2013

POSTED BY   /  19 February, 2013  
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Asian-Development-Bank-Japan-Scholarship Japanese Government Scholarships for international students from developing countries who are members of the Asian Development Bank. 26 University members. 1 ปี (Can be expanded up to. 2 ปี)..Year
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Scholarships in full. 2013

POSTED BY   /  5 November, 2012  
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firstpage-54-pic-en Scholarships in full. (Full PhD Scholarships) Information Systems, Computer Science and Statistics at the National Institute of Development Administration, Thailand yearly. 2013..
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PhD Scholarship in Stochastic Analysis and Mathematical Finance, Australia

POSTED BY   /  7 September, 2012  
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curtin_view_logo International Scholarships and Financial randomly oriented numerical analysis. (Stochastic Analysis and Mathematical Finance) At Curtin University in Australia annually. 2013..
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Postdoctoral Fellowship at NASA Exoplanet Science Institute, 2013 USA

POSTED BY   /  28 August, 2012  
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nexsci Post-doctoral research fellowship. (Astronomy and  Physics) และด้านที่เกี่ยวข้อง ณ The NASA Exoplanet Science Institute ประเทศสหรัฐอเมริกา 2013..
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Research Fellowship in Journalism at Wee Kim Wee School NTU, Singapore 2013

POSTED BY   /  28 August, 2012  
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h2 Journalism and Mass Communication, Journalism and Media Research Asia at the Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information at Nanyang. 2013..
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Kellogg Institute for International Studies offers Visiting fellowship 2013-2014

POSTED BY   /  28 August, 2012  
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Kellogg_Institute_Logo_5_29 Research on democracy and human capital development. (Democracy and human development) ณ Kellogg Institute for International Studies ประเทศสหรัฐอเมริกา 2013 – 2014..
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IRP/IFP Research Grants, Switzerland

POSTED BY   /  28 August, 2012  
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research-grants ทุนวิจัยทางการแพทย์ด้าน Basic and Clinical Research โดย IRP Foundation ประเทศสวิตเซอร์แลนด์ 2012..
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