Archive for ธันวาคม

New ! Launched INTER HUB International Education. (Thailand the language.) The first part of Thailand. !!

POSTED BY   /  14 April, 2013  
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563141_513511155377508_1167456383_n     เปิดตัว INTER HUB การศึกษาอินเตอร์ (Thailand the language.) The first part of Thailand. !!  รวมรวมทุกข่าวสาร “International education in Thailand and the world.” Thailand set for students at one go, click here. :
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The year.'s The Japanese government and the ADB-JSP variety. 26 Member University yearly. 2013

POSTED BY   /  19 February, 2013  
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Asian-Development-Bank-Japan-Scholarship Japanese Government Scholarships for international students from developing countries who are members of the Asian Development Bank. 26 University members. 1 ปี (Can be expanded up to. 2 ปี)..Year
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Full funding level. Majors. [Come to deadline 28 Feb.. 56]

POSTED BY   /  18 December, 2012  
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University-of-Leicester University of Leicester, The Centre for Landscape and Climate Research offer fully-funded studentship for PhD programme of October 2013. This studentship is for UK/EU and International..
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Announced the recruitment examination for the Government of Thailand. 2556

POSTED BY   /  14 December, 2012  
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scho With offices. K. Exposure to apply to the government's annual 2556 (Guest of a degree.) During the day. 4-18 December 2555 Internet at http.:// โดยมีทุน 5 Types..
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Postgraduate Scholarships for Inter-Students at University of Sussex 2013

POSTED BY   /  13 December, 2012  
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University-of-Sussex-logo Graduate Research Fund International. 50 Capital value. 13,500 Pounds per year for 3 At the University of Sussex in England every year. 2013..
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The capital. “Aji-machi, Nagano Prefecture.” Year 5 And recruit students to the school.'s Tokyo Deadline m. 8 March 2556

POSTED BY   /  30 November, 2012  
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85_image_banner_5646 Opened up today. !! The capital. “Aji-machi, Nagano Prefecture.” Year 5 And recruit students to the school.'s Tokyo Deadline m. 8 March 2556..
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PhD Fellowships in Neurosciences at Charité – Germany, 2013

POSTED BY   /  30 November, 2012  
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1ee5ae7be9 Scholarships for International Students neuroscience. (Neurosciences) ณ Charité – University Medicine ประเทศเยอรมัน ประจำปี 2013 The deadline to apply. 7 January 2013..
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International Postgraduate Scholarships at U of Birmingham in UK

POSTED BY   /  30 November, 2012  
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Bham-university Birmingham University offers Scholarships for international students Number. 18 Capital value. 10,000 A pound. 1 Year students who have been enrolled in college for the year. 2013-2014 The deadline to apply. 31 March 2013..
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PhD Studentship in Translational Oncology at Germany, 2012

POSTED BY   /  28 November, 2012  
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dkfz German Cancer Research Center. (German Cancer Research Center) Scholarship for PhD in biology, biochemistry and genetics. (NCT) Heidelberg in Germany every year. 2013 The deadline to apply. 12 DEC.. 2012..
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