Archive for ตุลาคม

New ! Launched INTER HUB International Education. (Thailand the language.) The first part of Thailand. !!

POSTED BY   /  14 April, 2013  
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563141_513511155377508_1167456383_n     เปิดตัว INTER HUB การศึกษาอินเตอร์ (Thailand the language.) The first part of Thailand. !!  รวมรวมทุกข่าวสาร “International education in Thailand and the world.” Thailand set for students at one go, click here. :
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The year.'s The Japanese government and the ADB-JSP variety. 26 Member University yearly. 2013

POSTED BY   /  19 February, 2013  
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Asian-Development-Bank-Japan-Scholarship Japanese Government Scholarships for international students from developing countries who are members of the Asian Development Bank. 26 University members. 1 ปี (Can be expanded up to. 2 ปี)..Year
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Research and ecologically sustainable urban environment by ESPA to researchers in developing countries every year. 2013

POSTED BY   /  19 January, 2013  
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507beb24d9388espa-logo-sample-1 Department for International Development. 24-30 Months in the ecosystem services to alleviate poverty. “The Ecosystem Services for Poverty Alleviation (ESPA) Research Programme”..
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Scholarships in full. 2013

POSTED BY   /  5 November, 2012  
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firstpage-54-pic-en Scholarships in full. (Full PhD Scholarships) Information Systems, Computer Science and Statistics at the National Institute of Development Administration, Thailand yearly. 2013..
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SCI CDT PhD Studentships at University of Manchester 2013

POSTED BY   /  30 October, 2012  
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manchester-business-school The Sustainable Consumption Institute. (Sustainable Consumption Institute) Britain to grant doctorate in business management. (Business Management) ณ Manchester Business School มหาวิทยาลัยแมนเชสเตอร์ประเทศอังกฤษ (University of Manchester) Academic year. 2013..
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Register for the French government. 2013 กับ Campus France

POSTED BY   /  29 October, 2012  
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ทุน Franco-Thai Listen to apply for a scholarship by the French government last year, Franco-Thai Scholarship. 2013 กับพี่ๆจาก Campus France ..
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PhD Positions in Population Genetics at Vienna GSPGA 2013

POSTED BY   /  29 October, 2012  
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Vienna-Graduate-School-of-Population-Genetics1 PhD position. (Population Genetics)  ณ Vienna Graduate School of Population Genetics ประจำปี 2013..
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2013 ANU International Undergraduate Scholarships in Australia

POSTED BY   /  29 October, 2012  
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images Undergraduate scholarships for international students at the Australian National University, Australian National University.(ANU) Annual 2013..
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PhD Positions in Economics and Finance at U of Bocconi in Italy, 2012

POSTED BY   /  25 October, 2012  
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bocconi_full University of Bocconi offered a PhD in economics and finance at the year in Italy. 2012..
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