Inter – PhD in the Humanities at University of Warsaw, Poland [Deadline:May 21, 2012]

พฤษภาคม 11, 2012 by: 0
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สถาบันสหวิทยาการโปแลนด์ มอบทุนปริญญาเอกด้านมนุษยศาสตร์ ณ the University of Warsaw ประจำปี 2012
Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies “Artes Liberales” at the University of Warsaw (Poland) offers International PhD Projects Program in the Humanities, Poland

Study Subject(s): Humanities
Course Level: PhD
Scholarship Provider: University of Warsaw
Scholarship can be taken at: Poland

Candidates of any nationality, who: have a Master degree (MA) documented by a diploma or by a temporary certificate delivered by the University prior to issuing a diploma; or have an equivalent (i.e. a second degree) of a MA degree in any discipline of the humanities or social sciences, such as: history, history of science, philosophy, philology, gender studies, media and specifically film studies, cultural studies, theatre, classics, Polish, English, French, Greek, Spanish Studies, Law, Religious Studies, Slavic Studies, Balkan Studies. have not completed the 2nd year of PhD studies whose doctoral research corresponds to the fields of research at IBI AL UW have an excellent grades average (GPA) are able to communicate both in spoken and written English with ease can demonstrate high commitment and motivation for scholarly work

Scholarship Open for International Students: Yes

Scholarship Description: Welcome to the website of the International PhD Project in the Humanities conducted by the Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies “Artes Liberales” of the University of Warsaw. This four-year International PhD Project has been designed by a team of 36 eminent scholars from around the world. It is devoted to the interdisciplinary exploration of the traditions of Mediterranean Humanism faced with the challenges of our contemporary world.

How to Apply: By email

Scholarship Application Deadline: May 21, 2012
รายละเอียดทุนเพิ่มเติม :  สถาบันสหวิทยาการโปแลนด์ มอบทุนปริญญาเอกด้านมนุษยศาสตร์ ณ the University of Warsaw ประจำปี 2012

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