Scholarships in Science at University of Hull, UK

มิถุนายน 25, 2012 by: 0
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ทุนปริญญาตรีและปริญญาโทด้านวิทยาศาสตร์ ณ University of Hull สหราชอาณาจักร ประจำปี 2012-2013

Undergraduate and taught Postgraduate Scholarships in the field of Science for the applicants of non-UK and non-EU at University of Hull, UK 2012-2013

Study Subject(s):Science (Biological Sciences, Biomedical Science, Chemistry, Computer Science, Engineering, Physics, Geography, Psychology, Sports Science)
Course Level:Undergraduate and taught postgraduate
Scholarship Provider: University of Hull
Scholarship can be taken at: UK

The Scheme applies to international (non-UK and non-EU) students making applications for a full-time taught programme of study only and includes students wishing to enter directly into years 2, 3 or 4 of the programme of study.Award of Scholarships is up to a maximum of £1,500 (or £750 for BA Geography) and is at the discretion of the Department. -Departments may award a Scholarship subject to satisfaction of any conditions, which it determines appropriate for entry to the programme of study.

Scholarship Open for International Students: Yes

Scholarship Open for Students of Following Countries: Non UK and Non EU

Scholarship Description: A number of Scholarships are available to non UK and non EU students for undergraduate and taught postgraduate studies.Scholarships are not transferable between Departments. Where a student wishes to transfer to another programme of study in another Department, the new Department is under no obligation to honour the commitment to a scholarship. Any student wishing to transfer to another Department will be advised to make appropriate enquiries of the new Department in advance of any firm decision to transfer.

How to Apply: By Post

Scholarship Application Deadline: 1 September 2012

รายละเอียดทุนเพิ่มเติม / More Informationทุนปริญญาตรีและปริญญาโทด้านวิทยาศาสตร์ ณ University of Hull สหราชอาณาจักร ประจำปี 2012-2013

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