Spanish Government Scholarships for la Caixa Foundation and the Spanish National Cancer Research Centre at Bt. (Come to deadline 15 Mina. 56)

February 5, 2013 by: 0
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La Caixa Foundation and the Spanish Ministry of Economy for International Scholarships. (CNIO) Applicants must have completed a Bachelor Degree Diploma side. 4 Year ในสองปีแรกจะได้รับค่าใช้จ่ายประจำปีครั้งเดียว คือ 18,069 ยูโร (ประมาณ 7 Extremely 2 หมื่นบาทต่อปี) 1,500 ยูโร และในปีที่ 3 And 4 จะได้รับเงินเดือนประจำปีครั้งเดียว คือ 26,700 ยูโร (ประมาณ 1 Million 6 หมื่นบาท) เฉลี่ยเดือนละ 1,700 ยูโร ผู้สมัครต้องมีความรู้ภาษาอังกฤษดี และมีอายุ 30 ปีขึ้นไป หมดเขตรับสมัคร 15 March 2556

“La Caixa” Foundation and the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness offers fully funded international PhD programme in state-of-the-art basic and applied cancer research at the Spanish National Cancer Research Centre (CNIO). The international students can apply for this scholarship. Students must have a university degree (BSc, MSc, Diploma, DEA, Degree, Laurea or equivalent) in biomedical sciences. Applicants must be proficient in English and the upper age limit for eligibility is 30 years. Selection criteria are academic qualifications and scientific potential. Send complete application online by March 15, 2013.

Study Subject(s): The research is provided to pursue basic and applied cancer research.
Course Level: This scholarship is available for pursuing PhD degree level.
Scholarship Provider: “la Caixa” Foundation and the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness
Scholarship can be taken at: Spain

Eligibility: -This call is open to applicants from all nationalities.
-Students holding a university degree (BSc, M Sc, Diploma, DEA, Degree, Laurea or equivalent) in biomedical sciences, or who expect to be awarded with such qualification during the first half of 2013, are eligible to apply to the Programme.
-This university degree should qualify for the start of a PhD thesis in the student’s home country.
-Non -European university degrees should be equivalent to a European diploma or degree.
-Studies should have been completed no more than two years ago.
-Applicants must have an excellent academic record and previous research experience during their undergraduate period.
-Candidates must have a solid working knowledge of English.
-Co-authorship of publications in MedLine -listed journals will be positively considered.
-Participation in international mobility programmes (including the CNIO Summer Training Programme) will be positively evaluated.
-Individuals may not have worked at the CNIO, at any time, for more than six months before being hired as part of the “la Caixa”/CNIO International PhD Programme.
-The earliest date of incorporation into the Programme is September 1stof each year.
-The upper age limit for eligibility is 30 years.

Scholarship Open for Students of Following Countries: The International students can apply for this scholarship.

Scholarship Description: The “la Caixa”-Severo Ochoa International PhD Programme at the Spanish National Cancer Research Centre (CNIO) offers cross-disciplinary training in state-of-the-art basic and applied cancer research within an international and very dynamic scientific environment. Five four-year fellowships will be available during 2013. Highly motivated individuals are encouraged to apply for the following of CNIO’s research programmes: Molecular Oncology, Structural Biology and Biocomputing, BBVA Foundation–CNIO Cancer Cell Biology, Molecular Pathology, Human Cancer Genetics, Experimental Therapeutics and Clinical Research.

Number of awards offered: “la Caixa” will provide support for five highly qualified graduate students to carry out their experimental work towards obtaining a PhD degree.

Duration of award(s): The programme has 4 year duration.

What does it cover? During the first two years, students will receive a total annual stipend of 18,069 Euros plus a onetime annual payment of 1,500 Euros. During the third and fourth year, the graduate students will receive an employment contract with a gross annual salary of 26.700 Euros plus a onetime annual payment of 1,700 Euros.

Selection Criteria: Admission to the programme is on a competitive basis. All applications are evaluated solely on the basis of academic qualifications and scientific potential.

Notification: The Selection Committee will consider all the applications and select a number of candidates to visit the CNIO in Madrid where they will be interviewed by potential supervisors and discuss their research interests. Interviews are tentatively scheduled to take place in early June, 2013.

How to Apply: Application must be submitted exclusively through the web site. A link to the online application form can be found at The application for m must be completed in English. In the online application process you will be asked to enter your personal data, information regarding your education, your scientific interests and names/contact details of two referees. Moreover, you will be asked to upload all required documents, including your CV and academic certificates. We advise you to prepare all texts (motivation letter, list of publications, and so on.) in a text processor and paste them into the application form.

Scholarship Application Deadline: Call closes on March 15, 2013.

Details additional funding. / More Information : La Caixa Foundation and the Spanish Ministry of Economy for International Scholarships. (CNIO) Applicants must have completed a Bachelor Degree Diploma side. 4 Yearในสองปีแรกจะได้รับค่าใช้จ่ายประจำปีครั้งเดียว คือ 18,069 ยูโร (ประมาณ 7 Extremely 2 หมื่นบาทต่อปี) 1,500 ยูโร และในปีที่ 3 And 4 จะได้รับเงินเดือนประจำปีครั้งเดียว คือ 26,700 ยูโร (ประมาณ 1 Million 6 หมื่นบาท) เฉลี่ยเดือนละ 1,700 ยูโร ผู้สมัครต้องมีความรู้ภาษาอังกฤษดี และมีอายุ 30 ปีขึ้นไป หมดเขตรับสมัคร 15 March 2556

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