Engineering Scholarships at Kyung Hee University, South Korea

กันยายน 29, 2012 by: 0
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ทุนปริญญาโทและปริญญาเอกด้าน วิศวกรรมโยธา (Civil Engineering, Transportation (Pavement), Civil Materials) ณ Kyung Hee University ประเทศเกาหลีใต้ ประจำปีการศึกษา 2013

The Transportation Infrastructure & Materials Laboratory at the Kyung Hee University offers graduate research scholarships for highly motivated international students who pursue MS, PhD, or MS+PhD studies, South Korea 2013

Study Subject(s): Study subjects are Civil Engineering, Transportation (Pavement), Civil Materials
Course Level: This Scholarship programme is available for Masters (MS, MS+PhD), PhD level
Scholarship Provider: Transportation Infrastructure & Materials Laboratory at the Kyung Hee University
Scholarship can be taken at: South Korea

Eligibility: Individuals who hold or will soon receive a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree with strong academic background and high research motivation in the field of civil/pavement/materials engineering or other related fields are encouraged to apply. Additional work experience, proficiency in English (in particular writing), or computer programming skills will be advantageous. University requires one of the following English proficiency scores: TOEFL 550, CBT 210, IBT 80, IELTS 5.5, TEPS 550.

Scholarship Open for International Students: This scholarship is open for international students.

Scholarship Description: Kyung Hee University is the top leading university in the field of pavement/materials/roadway engineering in Korea. Scholarships are available for highlymotivated international students who will pursue MS (2 years), PhD (3.5~4 years), or MS+PhD (4.5~5 years) program.

How to Apply: Please contact Prof. Kim ( who seeks candicates for any questions regarding application. Your ready-to-go offcial application package needs to be mailed to the Graduate School Office.

Scholarship Application Deadline: October 31, 2012 for 2013 spring semester

รายละเอียดทุนเพิ่มเติม/ More Informationทุนปริญญาโทและปริญญาเอกด้าน วิศวกรรมโยธา (Civil Engineering, Transportation (Pavement), Civil Materials) ณ Kyung Hee University ประเทศเกาหลีใต้ ประจำปีการศึกษา 2013

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